Best Day Yet Book

$11.21 $14.95


This book is a collection of the author’s true-shared essays of outdoor activities and of the folks he has encountered on the Great High Plains. It’s Ben’s Rocky Mountain Memories of hunting, fishing, people and places.

This book has a far wider appeal than just for the hunting and fishing audience. No matter where you live, or what age, or in what walk of life you live, one of these essays will revive your memory of an experience in some way you had or someone in your family has handed down to you.

The stories are all vintage Ben; his writing is honest, heartfelt, always intends to be instructive, and is simply fun to read. They are not about killing things or hook and bullet stuff. These essays are about appreciating the land, enjoying the chase with his bird dogs, fly-fishing, conversations with outdoor folks and kicking gravel with landowners.

Then, after each one of Ben’s stories there is a vignette, written by one of his many outdoor friends. Best Day Yet is an attitude that Ben created for himself. It’s how he feels about things according to his sense of the world around him. It’s like sitting by a mountain lake after a wonderful day of fishing with a flask of cheap blended scotch whiskey and believing an airplane dropped a fine 30-year-old single malt scotch whiskey that just drifted to shore at the exact spot where he was camping. His partner sitting next to him says, “What do you think of the whiskey?” “That’s one fine scotch.”


Size: 6" x 9"

Cover: Softcover

Item: #48239

ISBN: 978-1-68234-823-9

UPC: 709786048397

Format: Book

Pages: 80